Help for your electronic billing system

The electronic invoice arrives

We are all the Treasury, but some more than others. Or that’s what the tax collection agency must think given the fraud figures when it comes to declaring our taxes. Spain is called, deservedly or not, the country of picaresque, but this is something that the Public Treasury wants to put an end to

That is why, in recent years, the AEAT has been establishing a series of new regulations when presenting invoices, squeezing the taxpayer with an iron hand so that not a single cent can escape its scrutiny. 

Is this a bad thing? Not at all, since for the vast majority of self-employed people and entrepreneurs who pay their taxes religiously, the only thing it has brought is a series of advantages when it comes to submitting their invoices electronically, more comfortably, and efficiently. However, this also comes with deadlines and stricter regulations when doing so. But let’s first look at the advantages it provides us.

The great advantages of electronic invoicing


The first great advantage that comes to mind when we talk in general about digitalization is the great savings in both time and money. On the one hand, time, since the management and presentation of digital invoices involve much less work than their paper counterparts. In this sense, greater efficiency when managing invoices can save us dozens of hours at the end of the year. On the other hand, economic savings, since we will avoid all the printing and storage costs of the analog mammoths that we previously had to generate and preserve. In the cloud, bits do not “weigh” or waste ink, and throughout the year the comfort gained and the money saved is notable.


The move from the traditional invoice to the digital invoice also offers us greater security when presenting. The programs that allow editing and sending them have specified the rules under which each type of invoice is defined. For this reason, it is impossible to issue a “bad” invoice, except for typographical errors. For example, if a type of invoice has a specific and immovable VAT, the application will not allow another to be specified by mistake. And even if the program had a  bug and allowed an incorrect format, it would be rejected so that it could be corrected instantly. As they are immediately sent online and evaluated on the  AEAT ‘s server, if there is any error in the structure, it is rejected. Furthermore, given the digitization of invoices, their online accessibility is total and immediate. This makes it possible to instantly consult any invoice issued or passed on that exists in the system. In conclusion, we will have access to invoice history from any device at any time. Likewise, this information is impossible to modify without leaving a digital footprint in the process. So, in the event of any legal problem, we can be sure of having full traceability from the moment the invoice is registered in the system. 

The obligation to submit invoices electronically

Although electronically sending our invoices offers us a series of clear advantages over the traditional system, it is also true that it requires compliance with a series of regulations. In this way, it guarantees that the entire process is carried out correctly. Thanks to what is known as the  Crea y Crece Law, approved in Congress and published in the BOE in 24, the Government ratified the mandatory use of electronic invoices. This is intended to mitigate existing late payments in previous commercial transactions. And also to promote business digitalization. The latter links directly to the  Digital Kit Aid that they are offering to alleviate the cost that the digitalization of our business may entail. At Nebrimática, as the official digitizing agent that we are, we can guide you to apply for the subsidy to launch your digital billing system.  Don’t miss the opportunity to benefit!


Businesses with a turnover of more than eight million euros annually will be forced to implement the necessary means to carry out online procedures within a period of no more than one year from the publication of the law in the BOE The rest of the companies and self-employed workers will have a period of up to three years to comply with these requirements.

Differences between Autonomous Communities

Systems vary depending on the community. In the Basque Country, the billing system is known as  TicketBAI  (bai means “yes” in Basque) and has been in development for years. the process took some time until it was finally implemented in Álava in January 2024. Months later it arrived in Guipúzcoa (July). In Vizcaya, the extension is maintained until 2024. In all these cases, the implementation of this system will bring, in addition to the advantages described above, a series of deductions in personal income tax and corporate tax for those early adopters who opt for its use. before it is definitively mandatory. 

Electronic bill

If, among all the Digital Kit plans, you decide to opt for the electronic invoice,  at Nebrimática we will help you configure digital invoicing tools. This digitization process implies that you can: 

  • Issue invoices in a structured format by current law (with an unlimited number of invoices, clients, and services and sending them directly by e-mail ). 
  • Store them  (with 1Gb of storage for invoice history and periodic backups)
  • Manage them  (with expiration control and 100% compliance with regulations) in the simplest way. 

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